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Combined Movements for Extra Benefit

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Alternating between 2 moves can give great variation when looking to improve different physical attributes. Here I show an example of how you can combine a Clean and Press with a snatch to develope strenght, size, core strenght, power and cardiovascular output in one exercise.

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Watch Out For Cream!

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Half of healthy eating is knowing what to eat, the other half is knowing what not to eat. One of the most fattening every day ingredients is cream, which is enarly one thrid saturated fat (which is likely stored as body fat). Try to avoid any sauces with a creamy texture, especially in soups. Any soup with “cream of -” in the title is best avoided. A 250gm serving of cream of Muschroom soup could be as fatteing as 2 Mars bars!!  ...

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Protein Supplements

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Before anything else, remember that protein supplements are… supplements. You supplement them to your natural protein intake to help you reach certain amino requirements. They are not meant to be your exclusive protein source.

Proteins are broken down in the body into amino acids, the building blocks of muscle fibre. So, it could be said protein is muscle (put very simply). When you are eating a steak you are eating an animals muscle, so the main nutrient present is protein. It ...

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Straight Back Alignment

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It has come to my attention that I have not documented the importance of hydration (thank you Claire), so I’ll give you the low down on the clear stuff.

Water balance is important in maintaining our bodies metabolic functions (metabolism), and while it is false that more water boosts our metabolism, it is true that a lack there-of can lower it. So during the day, and especially while exercising we lose water through various fnctions, which I’ve pulled from a water bottling site would ...

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My 5 Golden Rules….

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To live in Gods image…

1.   Thou shalt have protein in every meal

2.  Thou shalt use fibre (veg) to stave off hunger (hunger releases fat storing hormones)

3.  Thou shalt not eat carb after 6pm, unless needed for late training (when carbs are utilised)

4.  Thou shalt go for scrabble board instead of snack when bored (boredom leads to hunger.. FACT!)

5.  Thou shalt eat 5 meals a day to keep metabolism strong and stave off hunger

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Easy Peasy Protein Snack

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You’ve probably heard me say (and if you havent I’ll say it again), every meal/snack should contain protein, and in the perfect world of waistline reduction every snack should be purely protein. Protein is the most thermogenic macronutrient (supplies more heat to body during digestion).

Heres a snack thats purely protein (pretty much), and that you can play around with based on different flavours.

Put simply, you can either bulk pre-cook (for the week) or purchase 100%  chicken breast pieces, and sprinkle with this to add ...

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The power of Anti-oxidants

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 Oxygen (not the concert), with a combination of water is responsible for life on earth. However oxygen also plays a role in breaking down cells and substances. Rust on metal is due to oxidative stress. Its what turns a banana black (which shouldnt be eaten FYI). All life on earth is subject to oxidative stress. As oxygen breaks down cells in our bodies it produces free radicals, toxic by-products that are responsible for fatigue, disease and cancer. Anti-oxidants ofset the chemical ...

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CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) – For Fat burning

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CLA is a non-essential fatty acid, found in beef and dairy fats. (Anything  “non-essential” cannot be produced by the body, but has to be sourced in food). CLA has been shown to cause a boost in the metabolism resulting in a lowering of bodyfat (or an assistance in achieving lower bodyfat). In higher doses it has been shown to support lean mass. What this means is that usually when you lose weight your body goes “catabolic” (which means to breakdown, ...

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Acetyl L-Carnitine

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L-Carnitine is a supplement found in muscle and organ meats. Its main function is in metabolising  fatty acids to produce energy in the mitichondria (main body of cells). It seems that the more carnitine you have the more effectively you will produce energy from bodyfat, leading to more bodyfat being burnt per day/bout of exercise.  It was never made clear or fully tested that an excess of carnitine (past what we produce with a healthy intake of meats) would lead to increased ...

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