Alot of people are getting a recommended intake around the 1200 calorie/day mark, so I have set out an exact plan of a typical days nutrition.
Breakfast (300 calories)
- Porridge Oats (30gms) + 1/2 Skimmed Milk (80ml)+ 1/2 Water — 19gms Carbs , 140 cals
- Protein Shake (30gms) or Seasoned chicken breast pieces (50gms) — 15-25gms Protein , 80-100 cals
- Milled Flaxseed (12g – in/out of porridge) — 5gms healthy fats, 60 cals
Snack (200 cals)
- Handful of mixed nuts (20gms) — 10gms of healthy fats, 100 cals
- Chicken/Turkey slices (100gms) or Protein Shake (30gms) — 20 – 25gms Protein, 100 cals
Lunch (250 cals)
- Slice of Rye Bread (32gms) — 15 gms Carbs, 80 cals
- Smoked Salmon (85gms) + Light Cottage Cheese (100gms) + Lemon juice — 30gms Protein, 5gms fat, 170 cals
Dinner (300 cals)
- Turkey Breast/ Lean Beef (150gms) + Steamed Veg with Benecol spread/garlic — 35 gms Protein, 10 gms healthy fat, 300 cals
Late Snack (150 cals)
60-90 minutes before bed (not to be had if dinner was late)
- Seasoned Chicken pieces (120 gms) / Protein Shake/ Casein Shake (40gms) —- 35gms Protein
Notice there is protein in every meal. Likewsise if you feel a need to snack, it should be on protein rich foods like eggs or lean meats. The average female exerciser will be burning atleast 2200 calories/day. Sticking to a diet like this while training will lose you between 2-3 lbs of bodyfat a week depending on training intensity and genetics. If you are offsetting 1000 calories a day, that equals 2lbs of fat in 7 days (1lb of fat = 3500 cals)
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