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Healthy Snacks - |

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Healthy Snacks

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Facebooktwittergoogle_pluspinterestlinkedinmailHere are a few lunch/snack ideas for a healthy low-carb diet.    The nutrient is labeled as mainly providing:  (P) for Protein,    (C) for carbs,   (HF) for Healthy Fats  ,  (F) for Fiber

—  Chicken strips (P), hummous (HF), avocadoe (HF+F), Cherry Tomatoe (F) salad

—  Ryvita (C+F) , Smoked Salmon (P+HF) ,Cottage Cheese (P+C), Spinach leaves (P+F)

—  Cottage Cheese (P+C) , sliced apple (C+F) , sliced strawberries (C+F)

—  Non-fat yoghurt (P+C) with Blueberries C+F+antiox) , side of seasoned chicken breast (P)

—  Cottage Cheese (P+C) with Grapes (C+F) and Spinach leaves  (P+F), sunflower/pumpkin seeds (HF)

— Porridge (C) and Flavoured Whey Protein (P),  flaxseed oil (HF)

— Ryvita (C), Chicken (P) and crunchy peanut butter (P+HF)

— Celery, radishes or Carrot sticks in hummous (HF+F)

— 4 eggs (1 yolk)(P+HF) with Tomatoe, onion and brocolli sprouts (F)

— Garden salad (F) , chicken pieces (P) dipped in a low-fat sauce (C)

— Oat biscuits (C) with Cottage cheese (C+P) and spinach leaves (P+F)

— Rye Bread (C) with Tuna (P), light mayonnaise (HF) and lettuce

— Birds eye microwavable Steamed veg (F) with Benecol spread (HF)

I’ll put more up as they come to me.


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  1. Jules Buckley  May 19, 2010

    hi guys…. how much (quanties) of these should i be consuming…do i have to stick to the combination you have or i can pick my own combination from the above..thanks

    • Patrick  May 19, 2010

      Hi Jules. You can indeed use a combination of the above ingredients, aslong as they contain atleast one Protein (P) ingredient. Fibre and Healthy Fats are a plus, and try to only take carbs (C) when you have to. Healthy fats are good as they are becoming your main energy source (on low carb diets. – see “Ketogenic diet” post). Remember the less carbs you take in, the less energy you’ll have to expend in training to reach your goal. Quantities should be kept low (except maybe with protein). When I give you your calorie guidelines on friday you can measure your ingredients (on kitchen scale, or according to nutritional information on pack). Eg, if you know you need 150gms of protein a day (i’ll tell you), and you need 5 meals a day, thats 30gms of protein per meal. You can than refer to nutritional information on packaging to find weight quantity needed for 30gms of protein (taking chicken as an example it would be 100gms of breast – as chicken is roughly 30% protein).


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