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Underground Fitness Dublin blog and Personal Training Page |

Underground Blog

Meatballs with Crunchy Sweet Potato Chips

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-250g mince
-1tsp salt
-1/3 cup almond meal
-3 cups baby spinach
-1 tsp Dijon mustard (optional)
-25g tomato paste
-2tbs sage
-1 sweet potato, medium
-Olive oil

-Preheat a fan-forced oven to 180 Celsius/350 Fahrenheit
-Place spinach in a bowl and cover with boiling water, leave for 2 mins before draining as much liquid as possible from the spinach. Chop well
-Place spinach in a bowl along with mince, salt, almond meal, mustard, tomato paste and sage. Combine ...

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Pumpkin and Chicken Curry

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2 chicken breasts, 5 cups diced pumpkin, 2 tbs olive oil, 1 diced onion, 2 garlic cloves finely chopped, 2 tbs ground ginger, 1tbs ground tumeric, 2 tbs ground coriander, 2tbs ground cumin, 1.5 cups vegetable stock, 1 bunch fresh coriander.


Fry onion and garlic in a large pan with ouil on medium heat for 2 minutes. Add chicken and cook stirring constantly for 10 minutes or until chicken has turned white.

Add pumpkin, ginger, turmeric, coriander and Cumin and stir for ...

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Yourfitness @ Xpose Xmas Xperience 2010

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Yourfitness hosted a Masterclass at the Xpose Xmas Xperience on the 22nd of Novmeber 2010. The mastrerclass was intructed by Patrick Mackeogh and Cormac Keating. The talk was centred around proper daily nutrition and an intorduction to kettlebell training.

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Home Circuit 1

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Instructions in video. Perform 3-5 circuits as directed by instructor.

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Gero doing Atomic push ups

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Client Daragh Geraghty doing Atomic Pushups on the TRX as part of  the “Ripped Fast Program”. He’s using dumbbells to get deeper into the push-up, developing more of his chest. The combined effort of the knee tucks works his core for a full body moovement.

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Music and Cardio

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In order to achieve the most out of your cardio workouts, whether it is a run in the park or a simple circuit at home, you should create a personalised playlist of songs that will motivate you not to stop short and to go that extra mile.

Listening to upbeat/face paced music during your cardio sessions is a great tool for keeping you focused on the task at hand, and you will find that whilst listening/concentrating on hearing the music, you ...

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Caveman Log – Week 2

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As some of you know, I have started the  caveman diet myself. While it doesnt perfectly fit the amount of activity I do, I felt the need to practice what I preach. You’d need to try something yourself before you could morally give advice (Im a good lad that way).  So heres how thing s have unfolded so far.

Is alll goood!!! Undoubtedly I do have the edge when it comes to dieting over clients, as not only have I been doing ...

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The Caveman Diet

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Every nutritionist or dietary author will have mixed opinions on what the best diet is. A definate contender on everyones list however is the Caveman diet, aka the Paleolithic Diet, or the Neanderthal Diet.

It is based around trying to match your diet to that of our caveman ancestors of the Paleolithic era, long before dairy farming, grains and pop-tarts. Put extremely lighlty, you can only eat that which comes from the land, and is for the most part completely unaltered ...

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Floor Circuit (No Equipment) – Sinead

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This is a small circuit I put together for Sinead while away in Abu Dhabi. Its a bit rushed as I tried to get it done and up asap for Sinead before a busy evenings training.

Floor Circuit

 Perform 3/4 times with 1 minute rest between:   (Beginner/Inter/Advanced)

Jogging on spot/ skipping/ treadmill  (30s/45s/60s)
   –  Push-ups (10/20/Max)
Jogging on spot/ skipping/ treadmill  (30s/45s/60s)  
   –  Lunges (10/20/Max)
Jogging on spot/ skipping/ treadmill  (30s/45s/60s)
  –  Crunches (10/20/Max)
Jogging ...

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Does Cardio support or hinder muscle gain

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There are 2 answers to this:

Yes: Cardio exercise (running, rowing etc) improves the efficiency of your heart and cardiovascular system. Cardio forces blood around the body increasing the size of blood vessels and capilleries that are the transport routes for nutrients to muscle. A stronger cardiovascular system aids muscle growth by supplying vital nutrients when needed.

No: Protein is broken down during intense cardio (from muscle) and converted to energy. This does waste muscle (leg muscle while running etc).

Although muscle is ...

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