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Blog Archives | Patrick MacKeogh, Author at - Page 26 of 27 |

Author Archive

Healthy Snacks

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Here are a few lunch/snack ideas for a healthy low-carb diet.    The nutrient is labeled as mainly providing:  (P) for Protein,    (C) for carbs,   (HF) for Healthy Fats  ,  (F) for Fiber

—  Chicken strips (P), hummous (HF), avocadoe (HF+F), Cherry Tomatoe (F) salad

—  Ryvita (C+F) , Smoked Salmon (P+HF) ,Cottage Cheese (P+C), Spinach leaves (P+F)

—  Cottage Cheese (P+C) , sliced apple (C+F) , sliced strawberries (C+F)

—  Non-fat yoghurt (P+C) with Blueberries C+F+antiox) , side of seasoned chicken breast (P)

—  Cottage Cheese ...

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Interval Training

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If you have found that you wouldnt find a 30 minute jog/walk as challenging its time to step it up. Interval training involves cycling exercise pace/intensity to create a high/low wave effect on your heart beat. To fully understand how it works you must understand the RPE scale (Rate of Percieved Exertion). The RPE scale is an imaginary scale where you describe exercise hardness from 1 -10. Imagine 1 as being very easy (light walk), and 10 being the sprint for ...

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Exercise Outside Studio Sessions

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I have drawn up an easy to understand graph to show recommended exercise on days outside your Personal Training sessions. There are 3 variations to suit whether you train once, twice or 3 times a week. Four exercise sessions per week is recommended to maximise results, while allowing enough time to properly recover. Those well into a training cycle, experienced, or not on a low carb diet may be able to train a fifth time (if they can!). All the ...

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Counting Calories in Anabolic Window (for those looking to lose weight!!)

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(Note this doesnt effect people looking to gain, as they have the carb allowance). It has come up about portion size during the anbabolic window. It is hard to say what the body needs after various sessions. There are many variables icluding, size of muscles worked (legs bigger than biceps), size of individual, and how hard trained. I say you need carbs always in the morning, and either at lunch or before/after training. In my calorie guidelines there is allowance for ...

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0% Fat Yoghurt

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This is a pic for those of you looking for the 0% Fat Yoghurt always on about. Not sure where its available but we find it in Tesco

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Sample Shopping List for Strict Dieting

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– Primarily cooked or uncooked Chicken/turkey. If packaged %100 breast           -Protein
– Fillet of Salmon/Mackerel or other Oily fish                                          -Protein + Healthy Fats
– Lean cuts of Beef or Pork Steak. No mince (unless steak mince)                    -Protein

Fruit + Veg   (all primarily for Fibre)

– Spinach
– Any green vegetables, lettuce, brocolli* (mangetouts a good snack)
– Onions, tomatoes, red/yellow peppers
– Apples, Mandarins, Bananas (after training)

Dairy etc.    (Contains Protein, but limit due to carb levels, dairy can also cause bloating!)

– Low Fat ...

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Counting Fruit and Vegetables towards Carbohydrate Consumption.

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The question has arose about counting fruit towards your carbohydrate intake. Fruit does contain sugar (carbs), but is also full of vitamins, minerals and are high in fibre. So yes, the carb levels of fruit are to be counted towards your daily intake. Only when small quantities are taken in (quarter glass juice, slice of apple), is it unnecessary to count them.

What to look at is what fruit you are taking in. Fruit juice for instance is the fuir minus ...

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The Ultimate Cheat Snack

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A nutritious snack containing low-fat Greek Yoghurt, a scoop of whey protein, and some Stevia sweetener (Protein= 32gms, Carbs= 9gms, Fat=1gms)

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Post Training Nutrition – Anabolic Window

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When looking to make gain in lean muscle mass you must take advantage of the Anabolic Window. This is the period of time after hard training when you have depleted your muscles of glycogen (the energy used in anaerobic exercise).  If you dont supply yourself with the energy and protein needed to start immediate repair to the damage you’ve done to yourself, your body will go catabolic (muscle watage) and attack your muscle tissue to find these nutrients. To maximise ...

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Alternate Menu 2

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This is a general diet that has to be tweeked based on your recommended nutrient intake, and around your training. Aim to take in your carbs morning/before/after training.

Breakfast – Porridge Oats with Banana, blueberries, flaxseed + Goji Berries (linwooods) and 2 scoops of protein/chicken breast, with black coffee

Snack – Oat biscuits with low-fat cottage cheese/ protein bar

Lunch – Salmon Steak, small sweet potatoe and leek/asparagus

Snack – Small amount ...

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