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Feature Image

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Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.

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Featured Image Link to Google

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Clicking on the Feature Image will redirect you to Google.

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Caveman Week 4

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My whole concept on food has been changed somewhat. Coming off this diet, I think I’ll take with me a new outlook on food. The diet really forces you to take a look at what food really is, and what it contains. I had always known the effects of additives, but had never thought the benefit of removing them would be worth the impracticality of eating like a caveman.

I’ve stuck to organic veg, fruits,nuts and seeds, but have at times resorted to standard ...

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Caveman Week 3

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The only change to report since last week is the waistline. I have lost a few pounds, but its hard to determine the fat loss to muscle building ratio as I HAVE been gaining strenght (ie muscle)., but the diet is the psychology is the same.

Eating the right thing is’nt that difficult anymore, it almost becomes part of the process of your day, like your body knows this is how you’re supposed to eat.. so it just accepts it.  I have not been able ...

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Kettlebell Classes

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Kettlebell classes are now running 5 times a week. Burn calories while toning your muscles..

Monday 7pm –  Guys Class

Wednesday  8pm  –  Girls Class

Saturday  1pm  –  Introduction Class and workout

                     2pm  – Guys Class

Cost     €10 for drop in.   €40 for 5 week course (1/week)

                    3pm  –  Girls Class

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Pumpkin and Chicken Curry

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2 chicken breasts, 5 cups diced pumpkin, 2 tbs olive oil, 1 diced onion, 2 garlic cloves finely chopped, 2 tbs ground ginger, 1tbs ground tumeric, 2 tbs ground coriander, 2tbs ground cumin, 1.5 cups vegetable stock, 1 bunch fresh coriander.


Fry onion and garlic in a large pan with ouil on medium heat for 2 minutes. Add chicken and cook stirring constantly for 10 minutes or until chicken has turned white.

Add pumpkin, ginger, turmeric, coriander and Cumin and stir for ...

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Yourfitness @ Xpose Xmas Xperience 2010

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Yourfitness hosted a Masterclass at the Xpose Xmas Xperience on the 22nd of Novmeber 2010. The mastrerclass was intructed by Patrick Mackeogh and Cormac Keating. The talk was centred around proper daily nutrition and an intorduction to kettlebell training.

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Home Circuit 1

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Instructions in video. Perform 3-5 circuits as directed by instructor.

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Gero doing Atomic push ups

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Client Daragh Geraghty doing Atomic Pushups on the TRX as part of  the “Ripped Fast Program”. He’s using dumbbells to get deeper into the push-up, developing more of his chest. The combined effort of the knee tucks works his core for a full body moovement.

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Caveman Log – Week 2

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As some of you know, I have started the  caveman diet myself. While it doesnt perfectly fit the amount of activity I do, I felt the need to practice what I preach. You’d need to try something yourself before you could morally give advice (Im a good lad that way).  So heres how thing s have unfolded so far.

Is alll goood!!! Undoubtedly I do have the edge when it comes to dieting over clients, as not only have I been doing ...

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