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Blog Archives | Patrick MacKeogh, Author at - Page 14 of 27 |

Author Archive

Metabolic Diet – 5 Golden Rules Not To Break!

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I have gotten some feedback from people regarding the newest nutrition plan. Alot of people seem to have the right idea but just stray from the man objectives slightly. These are the 5 golden rules to remember regarding this plan.

1.    Never are you to be hungry.  Eat your meals before you have a chance to become hungry.

2.    Always keep “lots of” foods as the bulk of your intake. Add ...

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Metabolic Diet – Cheat Day

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As part of this metabolic style of eating, you can take one day a week where you eat what you want. The metabolic strength the diet gives you means you are less likely to put on fat when you stray from the plan.

I recommend that you leave this day rolling until you actually need it. An inpromptu work gig on a Thursday or a christening on a Saturday are both events you want to be able to enjoy. Its lost ...

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Metabolic Diet – Your Average Day

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I just want to give everyone an idea of what an average days intake would look like, with 3 examples of each.

So, the bulk of your plate is Protein and Fibre (the more filling nutrients) , then fats and carbs. If the typical meal set below doesnt fill you, add more protein and fibre.

The Day

– Wake up in the morning


1.   Oatmeal with ...

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Metabolic Diet – Finding your Fat Burning Point

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The basis of the diet is to intake alot of protein and fiber to satiate hunger and aid metabolism, while supplying just enough carbohydrates to steady blood sugar levels. Blood sugar being too low is just as bad as being too high, as your body will release a muscle burning hormone to raise blood sugar levels. Your body does what it has to in order be energetic. There are 3 things you need to monitor to make sure you are close ...

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Metabolic Meal Plan – Overcoming Initial Problems

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Over – coming your instincts

This post is a reply to a client (I’ll let him/her decide to come forward or not) when I gave them the Metabolic Meal Plan. I found out they they instinctively reverted back to their old opinion on what “healthy” is.

“Hi ______

Just in what you said you were eating. Im not sure if you just didnt include meats and the major cruciferous greens in what you said you ate. That looks like a relatively normal “healthy diet”, ...

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The Metabolic Energy Diet

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I would highly recommend this meal plan with 3 Underground Classes a week.

I will be releasing a new diet to class members in the coming weeks. This diet was created primarily to kick start the metabolisms of those who may have been dieting a bit too hard, and had their metabolism slow down. Saying this, this is the prefect nutritional plan for anyone. It has the following benefits

–  Burns Fat while building metabolism       –  Doesn’t plateau

–  Elimintaes hunger and cravings          ...

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Reconditioning For Women – “I’m not losing weight!”

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This is for the women in the class who tell me they are not losing weight.

Many women when starting the class say this to me, and my reply is always the same: “well are you noticing any changes?” They seem broken like the last week or two has been in vain, like the scales has placed them in fitness purgatory, then they reply “Well no I’m not losing any weight, but I seem to be toning up”…


When most women come ...

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The Honest Way to Cheat

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It would be a good idea to read the article below (2 below) on Metabolic Consistency as this post develops on it.

A cheat meal is a way for you to reward yourself at the end of a hard week eating well. We all like our food, and to deny ourselves of the foods we enjoy completely could lead to burning out or simply dropping your healthy meal plan. Complete restriction is not for most.

If you are on an eating plan ...

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Fish Oils, and The Underground.

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Finding Nemo… and using him for parts.

One supplement we recommend to all clients, members, well-wishers and of course the general public is fish oils. The main function of supplementing fish oils in regards to training is for their ability to reduce inflammation in the body. Reduced inflammation will reduce recovery time, and with it the risk of over-training.

Fish oils are derived from the tissue of oily fish like mackerel, salmon and sardines. The active ...

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Metabolic Consistency for Weight Loss

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Metabolic Shift: Consistency is King

By Patrick Mackeogh


Here we will take a look at a problem that many people will be facing without even noticing it.

We have found out that every person has a BMR (Basal metabolic Rate). Their overall daily calorie expenditure (TDEE) can be found by multiplying this amount by an activity calculator, which makes sense because the more active twin will burn more calories.

The problem lies in that many people lack consistency in the amount of calories they ...

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