I just want to give everyone an idea of what an average days intake would look like, with 3 examples of each.
So, the bulk of your plate is Protein and Fibre (the more filling nutrients) , then fats and carbs. If the typical meal set below doesnt fill you, add more protein and fibre.
The Day
– Wake up in the morning
– Breakfast
1. Oatmeal with water, protein shake (100% whey)
2 Wheat and Gluten Free Toast (2 slices) with 4 egg omelette (1 yolk)
3 Left-Overs from Last Nights dinner
– Snack (2.5 hours later)
1 Protein Shake
2 Celery and Peanut Butter
3 6-8 almonds and Apple
– Lunch (2.5 hours later)
1 Grilled Chicken Breast with Cabbage and Mashed Sweet Potato (0.5 cups)
2 Salmon Darne with lemon juice and 1 cup brocolli, slice toast (no wheat/gluten)
3 Salad – Brocolli, Olives, Small amount feta cheese.
– Snack 2 (3 hours later)
1 Brocolli (al Dente) mash with Hommous
2 Cabbage and Ripped Chicken Mash with olive spread.
3 Apple, 1 tlbs Almond/ Cashew Nut Butter
– Dinner (2.5 hours later)
1 Organic Beef Cuts, Spinach (Olive Spread) and Celery
2 Roasted Mackerel with lemon slices, celery and spinach leaves.
3 Organic Beef Mince with chopped tomatoes and spices with brocolli, cabbage and olive spread.
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