The only change to report since last week is the waistline. I have lost a few pounds, but its hard to determine the fat loss to muscle building ratio as I HAVE been gaining strenght (ie muscle)., but the diet is the psychology is the same.
Eating the right thing is’nt that difficult anymore, it almost becomes part of the process of your day, like your body knows this is how you’re supposed to eat.. so it just accepts it. I have not been able to stick to the dietary requiremnets 100%, due my extremely long and varied hours, coupled with no cooking facilities in the studio. Im here most of the day, and if Im in a hurry or miss pre-cooking my food (or dont cook enough!), I am forced to buy ready cooked meats and unorganic veg. I see falling back to this as priority over going hungry!!
But so far so good. It is a good way to live, but maybe not 100% for my busy training and work schedule. From a health and weight loss perspective its a great diet, but maybe not in keeping with top end physical performance. I am training hard and just not making the muscle gains I would with oats and cereals etc… Im looking better though 😉
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