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Underground Fitness Dublin blog and Personal Training Page |

Underground Blog

Exactly how much should I eat to get into shape?

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It’s probably the most basic question regarding getting into shape, but it’s one that’s not regularly determined by any means, and it eludes most of the clients I train. So I am writing this to give you a better understanding of exactly what amount of calories you need to maximise a body transformation.

“Getting into shape” generally means losing body fat, while building (or at the very least maintaining) muscle. We know that weight loss is determined by calories in minus ...

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Great Pre Exercise Meal

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The problem with pre-cooking chicken is it can go off in tuperware through the day. So if you cut your chicken up into cubes, and add frozen baby brocolli, sweetcorn and mixed veg (all forzen), the chcken will be kept cool while your vegetables thaw. Add in some cut up grapes for flavor and energy. Tastes good, will stay fresh, and will give you energy to fuel your workouts, all while reducing your waistline. Tuck in!

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Congratulations Holly Carpenter, Miss Ireland 2011!!!

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We would like to congratulate our very own Holly Carpenter, who was crowned Miss Ireland 2011 last weekend. Holly had been training at Yourfitness running up to the event as partt of her prize for winning the Miss University heats, run by and sponsored by Yourfitness. We all knew she had it in the bag, Fair play Holly!!!She will represent Ireland in Miss World 2011 Pageant.

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The Girls are Training Hard

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Good stuff outa Daniella Moyles, Roz Purcell, Louise Johnston and Georgia Salpa. The progression is coming along nicely. They’ve been climbing their own little mountains every day. Keep it going girls and it’ll be Kilimanjaro that’ll be having a hard time conquering you…

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Whatever It Takes

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Not exactly safe,but a good way of adding additional weight to a stack

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Brocolli and Hummous

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Again, dont be fooled by the appearance of this snack. It tastes great. Just steam or boil up some brocolli till soft and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of hummous. Its low carb, full of good fats and nutrients. Perfect for late night hunger pangs!!!

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New Artwork in the Studio

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Designed by Me

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EPOC… The “Afterburn”

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Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, also known as the “afterburn” is an effect felt mostly after high intensity training. This is a state of elevated oxygen intake your body goes through after training to restore oxygen balance in the body. Inshort it means your body still requires a vast amount of oxygen to fuel recovery and othe rprocesses long after you’ve finished training. The rate and duration of this afterburn depends on the intensity and duration of your training. You have ...

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Catwalk To Kilimanjaro

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Its a change from the glitz and glam of the runway to the rough trail up Kilimanjaro, for models Georgia Salpa, Daniella Moyles, Roz Purcell and Louise Johnson. They’ll be training with me for a program for TV3, where they will be fundraising, training and climbing Kilimanjaro with all proceeds going to the Make a Wish Foundation. Best of luck girls.

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Late Evening Snack – Black Olive Eggs

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Doesnt look nice (the black olives cause the darkening) but its delish! 3 eggs (2 yolks), 20 gms Olive Tapenade, Spinach, Mushroom and black pepper. With a side of tomato and spinach leaves. Great protein and healthy fat meal

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