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Your engine Needs Oil

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I just wanted to write a few words on the Metabolic Diet we do here and hopefully help people get a good understanding of why we’re doing it. There is a general idea out there that to lose weight you need to perform a lot of exercise while at the same time eating much less food. That is in energy terms (calories), to greatly increase output while severely limiting input. ...

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Metabolic Diet – Lifestyle and time issues

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I have to start by saying this eating pattern is all about self-preparation. You are going to find it harder to achieve your goals through this meal plan if you are unwilling to prepare things the night before, or allow yourself to be in too many situations where “I just had to eat what was there”. Unfortunately some of you will be in jobs etc. where you won’t know where you are from time to time, which makes it difficult. ...

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Salmon Burger and Salad

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–   Toss salad ingredients and serve on the side.

2 cups lettuce

/2 cup (142 g) cucumber

2 slices tomato

1 tbsp (14 ml) balsamic vinegar

1 tsp (5 ml) olive oil


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Metabolic Diet – Safe Fruits and Vegetables

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Although all fruits and vegetables are “healthy”, the Metabolic Diet centres around eating large quantities of fat burning foods. This becomes tricky with fruits and vegetables because some have too high a sugar content to help fat burning. Only the highest fibre fruits and veg with the smallest effect on blood sugar should be eaten regularly. The following separate lists for fruits and Vegetables will list those you ...

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Breakfast Smoothies

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Smoothie #1: Berry Blast!
1-2 scoops protein powder
8-10 oz unsweetened almond milk
1 cup mixed frozen berries
Stevia or xylitol to desired sweetness (if needed – natural sweeteners available in health shops)
Ice to desired thickness

Smoothie #2: Choc-PB Goodness!
1-2 scoops chocolate protein powder
2-3 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
8-10 oz unsweetened almond milk
Ice to desired thickness

Smoothie ...

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Metabolic Diet Questionnaire (Take this 1 week into plan)

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The following questionnaire is for people who have been attempting a Metabolic Style of eating for over a week.


1.   Are you ever hungry?

YES  –   Not good. This goes against the whole plan. Raise your protein and fibre (veg) intake until                 you feel satisfied, or else your metabolism will drop. Remember to eat before you become hungry.

No  –   Good, but make sure you never feel too full. This could mean over-eating. If you feel                                 full check your intake quantities and possibly ...

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Metabolic Diet – Sweet Potato Wedges

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Sweet potatoes are on the “less of” food list. Eat these in moderation, only enough to balance blood sugar levels and never too late in the evening.  Eat only enough to feel you have sustained energy.


For the wedges
  • 2 sweet potato, cut into wedges
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp thyme leaves
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper chervil, to garnish
Preperation Method
  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
  2. Toss the wedges with ...
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Jade Teta ( – A Word on Planning

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Heres a great word from Jade Teta, one of the authors of MetabolicEffect, the nutrtion system we’re trained in. The Metabolic Diet follows this system. It is aty the cutting edge of exercise science in the USA.

“The entire weight loss industry is filled with plans. The “stay away from grains plan”, the “paleo plan”, the “fasting plan”, the “low fat plan”, the “low carb plan”, Atkin’s, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig…….these are all plans. And this feeds right into our desire ...

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Metabolic Mediteranean Beef Salad

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5 oz (142 g) lean eye of round beef

1/2 cup sliced red pepper


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Metabolic Diet – FAQ Sheet 1

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1.  Can I drink Alcohol?

Essentially alcohol is a step backwards, but we do have to live our lives and I wouldn’t expect anyone to alienate themselves from their social lives. Try to minimise alcohol intake, and stay hydrated as much as possible. Dehydration will add to the negative effects of the alcohol itself, so drink a glass of water after every drink. As you get leaner alcohol will affect you more anyway, so you’ll need a lot less to “enjoy ...

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