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Blog Archives | Patrick MacKeogh, Author at - Page 22 of 27 |

Author Archive

The Caveman Diet

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Every nutritionist or dietary author will have mixed opinions on what the best diet is. A definate contender on everyones list however is the Caveman diet, aka the Paleolithic Diet, or the Neanderthal Diet.

It is based around trying to match your diet to that of our caveman ancestors of the Paleolithic era, long before dairy farming, grains and pop-tarts. Put extremely lighlty, you can only eat that which comes from the land, and is for the most part completely unaltered ...

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Floor Circuit (No Equipment) – Sinead

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This is a small circuit I put together for Sinead while away in Abu Dhabi. Its a bit rushed as I tried to get it done and up asap for Sinead before a busy evenings training.

Floor Circuit

 Perform 3/4 times with 1 minute rest between:   (Beginner/Inter/Advanced)

Jogging on spot/ skipping/ treadmill  (30s/45s/60s)
   –  Push-ups (10/20/Max)
Jogging on spot/ skipping/ treadmill  (30s/45s/60s)  
   –  Lunges (10/20/Max)
Jogging on spot/ skipping/ treadmill  (30s/45s/60s)
  –  Crunches (10/20/Max)
Jogging ...

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Does Cardio support or hinder muscle gain

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There are 2 answers to this:

Yes: Cardio exercise (running, rowing etc) improves the efficiency of your heart and cardiovascular system. Cardio forces blood around the body increasing the size of blood vessels and capilleries that are the transport routes for nutrients to muscle. A stronger cardiovascular system aids muscle growth by supplying vital nutrients when needed.

No: Protein is broken down during intense cardio (from muscle) and converted to energy. This does waste muscle (leg muscle while running etc).

Although muscle is ...

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New ATM Terminal

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You can now pay with your Laser or Credit Card in the studio. Hurray!!

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Xpose Tomorrow

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If any of you are around the general RDS area about 5.30 come check out our stand for the Xpose Xmas Xperience show.We’ll be having some fun, including Cormac, Lowry and myself doing a stage presentation. Hope to see you there 🙂

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The Fitness Checklist

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This is the checklist for success. Dont let your training and success become undone over time. Keep your goals fresh in your head and make sure on a weekly basis that you have the following sorted:

1.  Consistent resistance training outside your comfort zone  (pain is progression). Whether its heavy weights for size or high reps for weight loss, progression is the key to a speedy metabolism.

2. Cardiovascular training. From 2-4 times a week you should get your heart rate up, ...

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Switching Over

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We will be changing the website quite soon, integrating the blog into it. Please be patient over the coming weeks as we switch over. The new blog will have more media and more detailed instruction, but in the mean time there may be disruptions or a lack of posts. The night is always darkest before the dawn (couldnt resist saying that). So.. keep an eye out for the new site!!!

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Who you’re competing against

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Fitness training, for whatever reason you’re doing it, is a competition. There is always someone who can go that extra minute or get that extra rep. In Formula 1 racing the victor is only seconds ahead from the competition in a race lasting 90 minutes. IT IS about going that little bit further.

Fitness training differs in a way though. Its not about natural talent or how long you’re in the game. When training for whatever reason, whoever you are, theres only one other ...

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Xpose Live in the RDS

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Hey guys, if you get an opportunity pop down and see us at the Xpose Live show in the RDS from the 19th to 21st of November. We’ll be there doing fitness talks and promoting our new Kettleburn system. It’ll be a fun day out with plenty to see, including my sister who’ll be there for her business Crystals and Co. 🙂

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Restaurant Rules

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The most apparent thing to remember is that a chef doesnt care about your waistline.. whatsoever.  His main objective is to satisfy your tastebuds.

Unfortunately this is done with generous helpings of cream, fats, salt and sugars (the bad stuff). Here are some rules when ordering out:

1.  Eat some green veg an hour before dinner (Raw brocolli, anything, just endure the taste!) You dont want to be too hungry when your meal arrives. Hunger releases the fat storing hormone Cortisol.

2.  Although ...

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