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Blog Archives | Patrick MacKeogh, Author at - Page 12 of 27 |

Author Archive

Feminine Shaping Class Starts Monday 21st

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55% of our members are women! As a member of the Underground you can book in with Grace to perform a workout specially designed to develop and tone natural feminine curves, while flattening th…e stomach, pelvis and shaping in the thighs (all during a great fat burning workout).

This workout will be held @ 6.30pm every Monday, along side the normal UG workout (that still runs!). Booking is necessary on the App, which you can book only from that day (Monday ...

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Mobilty Training At Home

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Training, Hot and Bothered!

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2013-07-12 20.25.14

It’s getting to a rare stage in Irish weather that people are actually complaining about the heat. The day this is written temperatures are set to reach 30°C and its 27°C already. It is almost getting too hot for Irish people to train in, or at least to train outside. The roads are hot and being Ireland the humidity is high, and people just aren’t comfortable getting their sweat on in ...

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HellandBack Warm-Ups!!!

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Great turn out for the Hell and Back Apollo. Here’s a vid of Myself and Daniella Moyles doing the warm ups for each of the waves. Had a great time doing it!


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Avoiding Training Plateaus

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Avoid the February Slump, and Spring into Spring!


Its February now, the January fitness boom has really come to fruition. You’re pumped, motivated, and grabbing your belly fat in a fond farewell, but does it sound familiar? Didn’t you do this last year? Do people only care in January?

It’s a very broad question, but people definitely don’t just stop caring about their looks or health all of a sudden. Fitness doesn’t really just go out of fashion or become less desirable. ...

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Christmas Timetable !!!!!

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Christmas Timetable


If there is demand for other times please let me know, and I will arrange (

Up to Saturday 22nd as normal.


Monday 24th  –   11am,  6.30pm

Tuesday 25th  –   No Workouts

Wednesday 26th  –  No Workouts

Thursday 27th –   11am,  6.30pm

Friday 28th  –    11am,   6.30pm

Saturday  29th  –   11am,  1.30pm

Monday 31st  –   11am,  6.30pm

Tuesday 1st  –  1pm,  6.30pm

Wednesday 2nd  –  Saturday 5th  – Back to Old Full Timetable.

***Monday 7th January   –  New Timetable (to be confirmed and will be posted)

Definately 7.30am workouts and additional evening workouts ...

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Top 5 Fitness Tips for Christmas

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Planning to relax and kick back your heals with some wine and treats this Christmas? Well why not, you’ve earned it. Drink, food and festivity is what December is all about, but the fact is that a lot of people take a step away from fitness during the festive season. It is the cause of the New Year resolution. The pounds pile on, caused by excess calories from carbohydrates and fats, so this plan ...

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Hey everyone. Theres new times going up for 2013, and we’re going to put it down to a vote. You can find it up on the board in The Underground. This means more times for you to come down and break a sweat.

Let the voting begin!!!


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Stress and your body

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Emotional stress comes with everyday life. Work, relationships, bills and even the X Factor can have an emotional and stressful effect on us. Some of us are able to cope with stress better than others, possibly as a result of hardening through events that have happened in our lives. Now I am not a counsellor, I am a personal trainer, but a big part of my duty is to counsel my clients on the negative effects that stressful elements are ...

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Anabolic Post Training Milkshake

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*Protein powder required for use.

A great idea for a fun and nutritious snack is to have a beneficial post training shake. If you look at the post below (search: Anabolic window) you’ll know that your body has a desire for insulin after you train, which drops exponentially within the following 3 hours. The insulin which is a storage and building hormone delivers ...

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