What I ate the last week…
It can be a big help to my Personal Training clients to have an idea of how I eat while trying to burn maximal fat.
– Non Training Days
Breakfast was usually 2 full poached eggs with spinach, and a third a cup of natural granola with same amount of natural Greek style yoghurt and some blueberries. When I could I’d add some meat (lean bacon/ham/chicken) or smoked salmon into a 4 egg white/ 2 yolk omelette. Animal protein is great in the morning, but its tough to take in alone. If I got really bored of eggs, I’d have some left overs from last nights meat and veg dinner.
For Lunch I’d stick to oily fish like salmon or mackerel, had with a big bowl of a mixed salad I’d get in Lidl. Ideally this would be raw organic and prepared by myself but I’d seldom have the time. I’d add more fibre by drinking part of the veggie smoothie I’d make the night before (in post below). The fish and massive intake of fibre would keep me full and energetic through the afternoon. If I couldn’t take in oily fish I would have a fat source with my chicken (1/3 avocado, spoon of peanut butter etc).
I would snack intermittently on mixed nuts, not paying very close attention to how many. Of course I am taking in vast amounts of other nutrients in my set meals so I wouldn’t be that hungry. If you make the mistake of not eating enough protein and fibre you could end up eating too many nuts. I might also snack on cottage cheese with avocado, or an apple and some peanut butter (but keep the apple early in the day – sugar). I might snack twice in the day.
For dinner I would stick to some general variation of meat/fish and veg. Fairly simple. Big portions of veg, especially broccoli and other cruciferous greens (spinach, cabbage). It would usually be a stir fry with a small amount of sauce, trying to stick to either marinated meats, soy sauce, or cream based sauces. Nothing too sweet!
That would be my last meal before bed, having eaten 3 hours before putting the head down. I drank lots of filtered water through the day, maybe 4 litres altogether with more on training days.
– Training Days
Training day nutrition strategies stayed the same except the timing of carbohydrates became important. I wanted to be fuelled effectively during the Underground workouts, as I am also trying to improve fitness and physical performance over the next few weeks. My protein levels are always high anyway, and my diet is actually built around recovery, so the main thing I need to watch is energy.
Sugars are your fast energy. Its not a good idea to have low blood sugar while training, and you need good glycogen stores (form of sugar stored in your muscle) to perform strong exercises.
All I did was eat an apple and an orange before training. The apple gave me a balanced release of energy, and the orange gave me natural vitamin C (which is good to have in your system even before training). I made sure I had eaten a good meal 2 hours before, or had snacked decently (with this fruit) an hour before. If I got in a good meal 2 hours before I would just add the orange, and this would be enough to get me through the workout.
After my workout I would snack on some blueberries, and take a Vit C tab (1000mgs). I might have a whey protein shake too if it was going to be more than an hour before my dinner.
– Conclusion
I would be very consistent with my meals, basing the diet around getting in enough protein and fibre that I would never be hungry. Its hard to over-eat these thing so just pile them in. Your body becomes more metabolic when you eat large quantities.
Any questions guys just let me know!
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