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The Ketogenic Diet - Low to No Carbs - |

Underground Blog

The Ketogenic Diet – Low to No Carbs

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Facebooktwittergoogle_pluspinterestlinkedinmailThe ketogenic diet is the scientific term behind things like the atkins diet and the bacon diets and so on. They are essentially fad diets that dont bode well high high intensity training like you will be doing with us, as the diet doesnt fully support adequate recovery. This diet is only for short term (1 week to 6 weeks), and dont expect to be too happy in our sessions, you will be exhausted! The Yourfitness diet guide I gave you is a high protein variation of this to more support muscle growth and powering our workouts, which will inturn support a raised metabolism (preventing you from relapse, so you keep the weight off). The Ketogenic Diet is a fast approach to weight loss (when done healthily), so can be good for those looking for a weight loss boost (at the expense of lean muscle gain.. or muscle tone!).

I will simplify the diet. Due to modern mans adundance of readily accessable food, we are constantly ingesting carbohydrates, the bodys easiest to metabolise form of energy. Due to our intake being so conitinuous our bodies are trained to run off glucose (the energy carbs are broken down to). A hormone called Insulin is created in the Pancreas in the presence of carbohydrates to transport glucose to our cells to be used as energy (as glycogen, the muscle energy I say to replenish with high GI carbs after training!). If we exhaust our carbs, insulin levels will drop, and the body will turn to another hormone called glucogen to create glycogen. But, when glycogen ultimately runs out due to lack of carbs, the pancreas starts to break down free fatty acids (fat you take in, and on your body!) for energy. Put simply, you switch from carbs you take in, to the fat on your body for your main energy supply!!! All you do is replenish carb stores on an irregular basis to give to body a chance to rest, and to keep the body from adapting too heavily (to keep the system shocked).

The diet is extrememly scientific so I will provide links to well written articles, also so I wont be writing for days 🙂

The second document refers to a muscle bulking phase (not recommended without my help or approval)

Another sample diet menu can be found here:

Being very complex, come back to me if you are interested in this diet or if you have any questions there-on.


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  1. Rosemary Mc Dermott  May 20, 2010

    Patrick, thanks for sheet on the ketogenic diet. I have looked at the links and their sample diet sheet. I’m going to start this tomorrow and see how I get on over the next week. I will give you feedback after one week.

    It would be useful to provide a link to a website for calorie counting so that members know how many calories are contained in one egg or 100grams red meat/chicken/fish, etc.



  2. Anissa Flinn  July 16, 2010

    Hi Rosemary,
    I know it’s been a while since you left this comment but I thought I’d share this link with you:
    You can type in any kind of food and it gives you a detailed breakdown of all nutrition content including calories, fat, protein etc. It’s really good.
    Hope you diet went wekk,

    • Patrick  August 6, 2010

      I hope your diet goes wekk aswell Rosemary 🙂


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